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Welcome to the Truth

This is not a site dedicated to sensationalism. Just presented as a guide to help people from the City of Yucaipa to understand some of the deep-seated connections, that I'm sure most are unaware of, and the potential pitfalls of cronyism.

The Button Below will take you to the Yucaipa Valley Water Board meetings log. Bruce Granlund served with Chris Mann in 2021, Lonni Granlund served with Chris Mann until Mann left his seat to become city manager and a short time after, Brett Granlund accepted Lonni's vacated seat.


Chris Mann is our current City Manager.


Bruce Granlund and Brett Granlund are brothers. Lonni is Brett's estranged wife and Diann, who will become relevant in the next button, is Bruce's widow.


Click on the minutes to see serving Board members.

Below is a link to the campaign disclosures of Judy Woolsey. If you click on the PDF below, you will see that Brett and Diann Granlund were the primary financers to Judy's campaign in the amount of $14,000.


Judy Woolsey is a candidate for district 3​

If you're interested in more info on our former assemblyman, Brett Granlund, push the link below.

Below are links to employment records for the city of San Bernadino that connect our current City Attorney, Steven P. Graham to another candidate of district 3, "Gigi" Georgeann Hanna.


Steven P. Graham was hired in the rush alongside our current city manager, Chris Mann in an unprecedented manner without a hiring pool or applicants.

Also, worth noting the connection between a politico treasurer and most of the "hit pieces" you see going out are all from PACs ran by a man named Robert Rego who operates out of Grand Terrace.


Robert Rego is the Treasurer for Justin Beaver, Matt Garner, Protect Yucaipa Coalition and Yucaipa public safety.


If you have any of the mailers that are attacking people, it is likely coming from and organization overseen by Robert Rego.


Robert Rego has overseen and collected in excess of $100,000 of out-of-town money to support the efforts of the cronyism currently plaguing Yucaipa politics.


      You might ask yourselves why this all matters enough to load the candidacy up with close contacts from the Yucaipa Valley Water Board, it comes down to water rights.

     While the whole city is up in arms about "Measure S" and the city budget, the real push is to make sure the warehouses that are proposed off Live Oak Canyon Rd are approved.

     If approved, YVWD will assume the water rights of two new aquifers located on the Palmer property, where the warehouses are proposed. There's a lot of money in water and the control of it and the people and connections above, are willing to go with the first offer on the table. That offer is soulless warehouses to achieve their goal. The citizens of Yucaipa are just innocent bystanders in the game of chess that is happening behind the scenes.


     While Water rights are a huge proponent of the current leadership and push to obtain seats in the City Council, Yucaipa also has a vast amount of valuable developable land. There are some developers that are not to miss an opportunity of a city in motion and Yucaipa is on the brink of motion.



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